Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Council General
:: Nearly all questions to the Counsel General at his regular Senedd session are about his job. Nearly all answers are about how he can't answer because of conventions of confidentiality.
It seems AMs have finally realised this and given up - Carwyn Jones's question time lasted just seven minutes today.
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Rasher decision
"They should be better if we're serious about healthy eating," he says.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Park Life
But one hospital, Neath Port Talbot, will continue to charge until 2032. Guess how the gleaming NPT was financed.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Shine a light
"Maybe you'll get lucky. Maybe for all Cameron's shiny hair and green credentials he won't pull it off."
Shiny hair?
:: I didn't stop at the stand selling volumes of the new Welsh encyclopaedia, which I now regret, having read the Guardian's glowing review. What a shame then that as we finally get around to producing our own encyclopaedia, the rest of the world is abandoning them.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Serve and protect
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Well Plaid my son
The Heritage Minister told today's plenary he would suggest to the FA that it holds Cup semi-finals at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium.
This in the week that City progressed to the FA Cup semi-finals, earning the club its first trip to Wembley since 1927.
I thought Plaid wanted to do well in Grangetown in May.
Goodwill on Earth
An inquiry into last summer's foot and mouth outbreak found the relationship between Wales, Scotland and Whitehall only functioned because of goodwill on all sides between officials and ministers.
Meanwhile, commenting on an increased workload for the Welsh Affairs Select Committee thanks to the LCO procedure, Rt Hon Alun Michael MP tells the Western Mail: "Frankly it's been a bit of a nightmare but goodwill on both sides has made it work."
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Welsh Way
You would do well to argue that the Welsh health service is headed for a similarly privatised destiny. But if we are going in the opposite direction, I can't help wondering where we will end up. What exactly is the big idea that unifies all this ...
The Health Minister says there are too many commissioning bodies, allowing patients to fall through the gaps. Meanwhile bigger trusts are being created. During last year's election campaign, Edwina Hart's predecessor was forced to clarify himself when he told a hustings that trusts had reached the end of their lives. A former doctor and senior public health official has been appointed as Wales's top civil servant. First Minister Rhodri Morgan has talked of a health service revolution. The One Wales agreement says the internal market will be brought to an end and there will be no PFI in the health service. But the Assembly Government is happy to use it to build schools.
Pay attention
Plaid Cymru AMs might think that 8.3% is far too much, but an AM from another party tells me he hopes Plaid realise some members "took a f***ing pay cut to get elected". Another says the only civil servants who earn the equivalent of an AM's salary are "minions".
Monday, March 10, 2008
Holding back the years
:: Not a day, week, month or year goes by without at least one special interest laying claim to it. You know the sort. April is National Paint Your House Red Month. June 11 is International Take Your Cat to Work Day.
Sadly, there are now so many of these well-intentioned "awareness raising" initiatives that I fear they struggle to raise the awareness they were intended to raise.
Unless you work in the Assembly Government, where such days/weeks/months/years hold extraordinary importance. WAG loves to match its publicity activities to them.
Today we were informed that ministers will this week be making announcements or attending events that in some way relate to the following units of time: Tourism Week, Science and Engineering Week, World Kidney Day, UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the National Year of Reading and, my favourite, Wales Innovation Week.
Something about dental health is also going to happen, which is odd, given that National Smile Month isn't until May.
I want to meet the civil servant responsible for keeping track of what day it is.
Friday, March 07, 2008
More light than heat
But the fact you can sometimes see condensed moisture when you talk in there on a cold day still isn't enough to fulfill the impeccable environmental credentials that the Senedd aims for.
A report to the Assembly Commission last December found "the building is currently consuming around 50% more electricity than it should need on an annual basis".
While the performance on heating was excellent, the Senedd was using noticeably more energy for lighting, broadcasting and computer equipment than anticipated.
We can only hope that in the drive for greater sustainability the Commission heads for the light switches, not the thermostat.
Timed to imperfection
It cannot be right that someone's workload increases so much in eight years, but their pay does not reflect it. Meanwhile, they are able to swell their income through a mysterious system of benefits and allowances that no-one outside the Assembly knows about or understands.
This is the argument being advanced by Dafydd El. But I fear that because of the timing it's an argument that won't win much sympathy. There could not be a worse time to do this. And the new allowances regime might not even be in place until the next election.
I'll be intrigued by how and if Plaid AMs return their pay rises.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Our survey says
Of more interest is a finding that 24% of people "preferred to access services" bilingually in English and Welsh. One per cent said English or Welsh, two per cent said Welsh only and 73% said English only.
Because of the rather awkward way this is phrased in the report, I'm not entirely sure what that 24% is saying. No-one can access services in English and Welsh at the same time, unless they are clever enough to fill out two forms at once or conduct the same conversation simultaneously in two languages.
Of late there has been an increased focus on encouraging Welsh speakers to use the language, a development I applaud because as a Welsh speaker I can certainly identify with the type of person described here who does not use Welsh when dealing with officialdom.
Does this survey mean that only a quarter of the people in Wales agree with the principle, indeed the law, that says public bodies should operate in English and Welsh?
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Afternoon delight
Following harsh words from the opposition, and tricky questions for Mr Jones at the Cabinet's weekly press briefing, Labour decided to back down at a group meeting yesterday morning.
Thursday afternoon sessions needed a unanimous agreement at the Assembly's Business Committee. Other party whips, business managers and the Presiding Officer were happy with the idea, but Mr Jones could not agree because of the opposed Labour AMs.
It is extraordinary that Labour found itself in this position. AMs are very hard working and may have good reasons to oppose Thursday afternoon meetings. But there is no way politicians can win sympathy from the public on an issue like this, especially in the present climate.
One wonders whether Mr Jones would have similar difficulty delivering his group if he was its leader. Meanwhile, Andrew Davies answered First Minister's questions while Rhodri Morgan was away.
Say what you see
You may have read recently that end-of-term oral exams in foreign language GCSEs are to be replaced with term-time assessments in the classroom. Lib Dem AM Eleanor Burnham read this, in the Daily Telegraph as it happens, so she asked Education Minister Jane Hutt whether the policy would apply to Wales.
Here is the reply Ms Hutt gave plenary last Wednesday.
"As I'm not a reader of the Daily Telegraph (laughter), particularly, I have to say, when it does not relate to Welsh policy or Welsh issues, I don't think I need to comment any further than that I am fully in support of the pioneering work being undertaken by Cilt Cymru."
I confess I was not certain what this meant, but I took it to mean that Wales was plotting its own course and would not scrap end-of-term foreign language oral exams
Just to be sure I was not grasping the stick at its incorrect end, I checked with the Assembly Government press office. And it seems I was wrong.
So, to clarify, when Ms Hutt was asked whether end-of-term oral exams are to be scrapped in foreign language GCSEs, what she should have said was "Yes".
Friday, February 29, 2008
Flippin 'eck
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
So Solid
So Plaid's response to an announcement by Health Minister Edwina Hart on the future of Llandudno hospital today was intriguing. A final decision hasn't been taken, but one of the reviews she launched after the election agreed with the removal of breast surgery, coronary and acute stroke services. A range of other services, including stroke rehabilitation and breast screening, will be retained and revamped in exchange.
Last March, Mr Jones said this: "Removing coronary care beds and breast surgery services, and no longer admitting medical emergencies, is, by any standards, a downgrading."
Well, today he issued a press release welcoming the "solid guarantee" that the hospital would not be downgraded and would retain its status as an acute site. He says he's going to press Edwina to keep breast services at Llandudno, adding: "The minister's promise today will come as a great relief to all those in Aberconwy and surrounding areas that have argued so strongly for the future of Llandudno hospital."
I honestly don't know if what was announced for Llandudno today amounts to a downgrading or not. But with Plaid supporters already upset about Y Byd and the closure of small schools in Gwynedd, more and more appears to be riding on Rhodri Glyn Thomas's forthcoming Welsh-language LCO.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Cliche-free zone
Anyway, as you can see below, Rhodri Morgan doesn't go in for such hackneyed symbols of national identity. This is a picture of him briefing the press in the Senedd today, where he told reporters: "We are known as throwing a good party in Brussels for St David's Day, shall I say."
He also said some interesting things about China which you will probably read about in tomorrow's papers, or on the wire now if you are a subscriber.

Doing their level best

Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Who said what
In a bid to hush-up a rowdy plenary session Dafydd Elis-Thomas said he would not allow the Assembly to become a "mini Westminster".
Tory AM Andrew Davies said "I had a McMeal I did" when telling AMs what he ate at lunch.
His Conservative colleague Darren Millar asked Health Minister Edwina Hart if she thought there were "too many fat politicians in Wales, myself included".
But my favourite came from Rhodri Morgan who said his new permanent secretary Dame Gillian Morgan, a former doctor, was "non-man and non-mandarin".
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Welsh Labour conference, Llandudno
:: According to the guide to fringe events, Peter Hain was due to speak. An organiser of the event confesses that he informed the Labour Party Mr Hain was pencilled in as a speaker, but then forgot to confirm with the former Welsh Secretary.
:: Just been to a conference debate on whether Y Comreds should be allowed to discuss non-devolved matters at Welsh Labour conferences. One delegate speaking in favour of the motion said it would be a good idea because then they could talk about the disestablishment of the church. Which happened in 1920. As if these occasions aren't fascinating enough.
:: There's a man down the chippy with a nice hankie who swears he's Secretary of State for Wales.
:: Always very tight security at Labour conferences. So I'm not sure how Bridgend AM Carwyn Jones got in, because his pass was accidentally issued to someone of the same name. I'm having visions of him haranguing a steward saying: "Don't you know who I am? I'm the Counsel General."
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Union of the snake
:: Doubtless you will have heard about the Valentine's Day tiff between Labour and Plaid. Trade union members can go to the Plaid website and click on their union. Up pops a half-completed email addressed to your brothers/sisters, instructing them that you do not want your membership fees going towards Labour-affiliated funds.
But why this strange alteration to Plaid's site? I had a look at it yesterday when an embargoed press release came through. As instructed I clicked on some unions' logos to see how it all works. Today, when I checked back, the logos had gone, to be replaced by Plaid's daffodil. Sorry, poppy.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
:: There has been a consultation on a Welsh-language children's channel with a suggestion that S4C2 is used for this purpose instead of broadcasting the proceedings of the National Assembly.
But substituting plenary with Planed Plant Bach might be easier said than done, I'm told. S4C is looking at whether it has the bandwith available. I don't pretend to understand the technology, but let me put it like this: Wil Cwac Cwac is more demanding than the Assembly.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
It's rude to point
What? Is this how we are all meant to talk now? Thanks to Kirsty Williams for spotting this.
:: Is it just me, or is anyone else annoyed by how many friends Hillary Clinton seems to have? Every time she appears before an audience she points and gestures to people she apparently recognises in the front row. I wish she'd stop it

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
The day cometh
In America referendums on election day are not uncommon - seven states banned recognition of same-sex marriage on mid-term election day last year.
Perhaps it would help the cause of greater devolution to have the referendum on election day. Might those voters who turn out at least be more favourably disposed towards having an Assembly?
What Mischievous Mike really wants is to remind us of the broad spectrum of opinion towards devolution that exists within Labour and Plaid Cymru, the two governing parties of the One Wales coalition. He is agitating for Rhodri Morgan and Ieuan Wyn Jones to move swiftly towards a referendum, knowing full well that they dare not appear over hasty. That is why they created the convention.
There are two important elections before 2011 - a General Election and an election for a new Labour leader in Wales. Who knows what complexion that will cast upon proceedings?
Mr German can call for meetings with Rhodri Morgan about setting up a 'yes' campaign for 2011 all he wants. If they stick to their stated retirement dates, Messrs German and Morgan will be long gone as party leaders by the time 2011 comes around.